Sam Webb of the Communist Party USA -- the behavior was similar: Beck refused to respond to Webb's points, insisted on peppering him with nonsequiturs and his own prepackaged narrative, talked over him, and generally treated him with so much contempt that any veneer of professionalism was eradicated.
So it seems that this is what any liberal can expect should they ever be invited onto Beck's show:
-- They will be talked over.
-- Their points will be ignored.
-- They will be used as a pinata for Beck to make fun of.
-- Beck will turn their mike off if they insist on trying to make their point.
-- After they leave the set, Beck will call them "dirtbags" and continue to smear them, perhaps even accuse them of sexually harassing his staff.
Why would any sane person want to endure that? Leave Beck to his little self-enclosed circle jerks. It's the only thing he's good at anyway.