#OccupyRiverside: Arrested US Veteran Has His Say

A founding committee member of Occupy Riverside, tells CrooksandLiars that the protesters have faced increased brutality at the hands of the local police there during raids on their peaceful camp...

[Caution: Strong language -NSFW]

A founding committee member of Occupy Riverside, tells CrooksandLiars that the protesters have faced increased brutality at the hands of the local police there during raids on their peaceful camp. During the arrest of a young U.S. veteran, the cameras are rolling allowing him to have his say before he is hauled off to booking.

Unfortunately, local media in the Riverside, CA area doesn't mention these vicious attacks during arrests even if it does mention the presence of the Occupiers.

The portion with the veteran speaking begins just before two minutes into the video.

We're glad to help Occupy Riverside get some much deserved attention for their non-violent efforts on behalf of the Occupy movement. The whole world is watching to see how our local officials react to the protests. It's up to those same officials to see to it that the response isn't harmful, and that it does not violate anyone's rights as an American.

In solidarity, Occupy Riverside.

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