Bernard Goldberg Blames The 'Liberal Media' For The Left Being Upset With Obama

Listening to this much stupid hurts. Flame thrower Bernard Goldberg is asked by Bill O'Reilly to respond to Frank Rich's criticism of President Obama and his column where he says that President Obama is suffering from Stockholm Syndrome and how does

Flame thrower Bernard Goldberg is asked by Bill O'Reilly to respond to Frank Rich's criticism of President Obama and his column where he says that President Obama is suffering from Stockholm Syndrome and how does he respond? By blaming the imaginary "liberal media" for getting Barack Obama elected.

Forget the debates. Forget the primary race. Forget that he was attacked 24/7 on Fox News. No, the media got him elected and now that he's back tracked on campaign promises and looks like he's negotiating with Republicans for the sake of negotiating, the left has no right to be critical. And he's still using the tired "messiah" crap from John McCain's campaign ad as though anyone didn't realize that one, he's just another politician, and two, that he was never going to have an easy time getting a lot of liberal policies passed given the make up of the Senate he was dealing with.

President Obama has got some problems with his base but it's because he doesn't appear to be fighting for issues he campaigned on. It's not because the nonexistent "liberal media" made him into a "messiah".

O’REILLY: As we discussed earlier, the far left is turning on Barack Obama. One of your favorite guys Frank Rich, big Obama supporter. Here’s what he said.

RICH: I’m fairly distressed by the fact that that he doesn’t seem to have a clear point of view about most anything. It’s not even a matter of whether he’s too left or too right. It’s just… everything is negotiated away and he seems to be sort of held captive… my point was, my Stockholm Syndrome point was he seems to be held captive by his own political adversaries.

O’REILLY: Alright, forty five seconds. What do you make of that?

GOLDBERG: Well I think this is the irony of all ironies. The same so-called mainstream journalists who put on their short skirts and brought out their pom-poms and cheer leaded for Barack Obama during the campaign, these same journalists are largely, not entirely, but largely responsible for his fall from grace.

They took a mere Chicago politician and tried to elevate to the status of a messiah and when the people found out he couldn’t walk on water, the disillusionment was far, far greater than it would have been for any other politician. They brought this on… they helped Barack Obama get into the mess that he’s in now.

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