MSNBC finally had enough of him and we all knew Fox would be more than happy to pick him up since he fits right in with that network,
which has completely jumped the shark with the race baiting of late. It looks like PBS doesn't have any problem with Buchanan's overt racism through the years because The McLaughlin Group continues to have him on there as a regular guest week after week, and this weekend, the topic was race and racism in the United States on the 50th anniversary of the march on Washington.
After Buchanan had a chance to do a little reminiscing about how he and his buddy Nixon managed to use the Southern Strategy to whip up racial tensions in the United States back in the '60's, he got a chance to respond to a portion of the conversation where they were discussing everything from voter suppression, to groups not being willing to give up power with changing demographics, to college admission practices and here's how he responded.
Buchanan: ‘Whites are Only Group You Can Discriminate Against in America’:
Denouncing the use of race in college admissions on PBS’ The McLaughlin Group, former Richard Nixon speechwriter and GOP presidential candidate Pat Buchanan claimed that caucasians were the only group in America who could be legally discriminated against.
“It should be like the NFL: whoever’s the best player plays, and whoever does best academically should be advanced,” Buchanan said of diversity in collegiate acceptances. “What is wrong with that?”
“I think there’s an argument to be said that the greatest affirmative action program that there is in the country is being born white,” panelist Michelle Bernard argued. “There is a natural assumption when you are applying to institutions of higher education that you are excellent or you are more superb than others.”
“With due respect,” Buchanan responded, “whites are the only group that you can discriminate against legally in America now.”
He's got a long history of this kind of rhetoric. He was on Hannity a couple of years ago, calling white people "an endangered species" and has written some stomach turning op-eds that read like something out of white supremacist literature, but hey... let's have him on to discuss race on The McLaughlin Group. Fine job there PBS. You should be so proud of yourself. Who needs Fox when PBS is still putting this bigot on the air?