Countdown: America's Torture Scars

[media id=7110] You Tube From Countdown: And virtually everything Mr. Obama must undo starting next Tuesday, President Bush did... in the name of 9

You Tube

From Countdown:

And virtually everything Mr. Obama must undo starting next Tuesday, President Bush did... in the name of 9/11. We had to shred the Constitution, for 9/11. We had to become torturers, for 9/11... to prevent another one... to ensure justice for those behind 9/11 itself. And tonight, in our fifth story, on the eve of Mr. Bush's last fevered attempt at legacy re-writing, tonight we know for sure not only that Mr. Bush's decision to torture merited that word -- we know it now from a Bush official... But we also know that it has denied this nation, the victims of 9/11, and their loved ones... the chance to see some justice done for that awful day.

Keith talks to Lt. Cmdr. Charles Swift about the decision by Bush administration official Susan Crawford to drop the charges against Mohammed al-Qahtani.

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