CPAC Tea Partier Jennifer Stefano Claims Occupiers Want To Defecate On The Flag

As we already saw with the "class act" of Dana Loesch's husband Chris and Fox contributor Steven Crowder and their sorry, racist excuse for what's supposed to pass for a "rap" video, the real wingnuttery at CPAC this year was with the panel segments

supposed to pass for a "rap" video, the real wingnuttery at CPAC this year was with the panel segments as opposed to just the general contempt for liberals and horrid policy prescriptions being offered by the headliners.

Case in point, this panel as described by the CPAC web site -- Tea Party versus Occupy:

Unlike their leftist counterparts in the “Occupy” movement, Tea Party activists do not need to be paid or coerced into advancing their ideas, free market activists said during one of the closing panels at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

Dana Loesch, Editor-in-Chief of BigJournalism.com, told audience members that progressives operate from a false assumption that says Tea Party activists will not demonstrate without offered some kind of inducement. In reality, she said, they actually describing themselves. Occupy members who were demonstrating outside of the CPAC conference in D.C. acknowledged that were being paid $60 to be there.

“It always amazes me how progressives think that conservatives can’t get organized or demonstrate without getting paid,” Loesch said. “They do it for free because they believe in it.”

Amy Kremer, chair of the Tea Party express, said that the movement she was identified with has more staying power because it has the right ideas. By contrast, the “Occupy” movement has resorted to unsavory tactics and has already lost credibility with the American people.

There's a bit more there, but they somehow forgot to mention this gem from panelist and Americans for Prosperity Pennsylvania State Director Jennifer Stefano:

STEFANO: The one thing I get asked is, what is the difference between the tea party and Occupiers... but I always say one thing. If you're standing in a room and you're not sure how to separate the tea partiers from the Occupiers, do one thing. Raise an American flag. The tea party will stand and put their hands over their heart and pledge to it while the Occupiers deficate on it.

I find that really humorous since the only person I seem to remember being proud of "dropping trou" lately, was her cohort on that panel, Dana Loesch.

The better part of the panel was basically a major dose or projection with these AstroTurfers who are being funded by Republican operatives, Dick Armey, Tim Phillips, the Koch brothers among others trying to pretend that what they're doing is somehow a "grass roots" movement, but they found one guy that claimed the AFL-CIO in D.C. paid some people who are already out of work union members sixty bucks a day to show up and protest CPAC.

There is this notice up on their web site that they were calling for a day of action to protest the event -- Occupy CPAC: Mitt Romney and the 1% . Whether they paid anyone to show up, who knows. It looks like they may have, but that's hardly proof that the entire Occupy protest movement is some union funded AstroTurf movement.

Quite the contrary given how wide the movement is and that it's taking place across the country and one guy they managed to get on camera saying he's a disgruntled out of work union member who got paid to show up and protest with a handful of others in D.C., seems to be the only completely unsourced proof Loesch has that the Occupy movement is now officially an Astroturf movement, paid for by the unions. Until I find out more about the one guy they managed to get on camera, I take any of these kind of attacks with a huge grain of salt given Breitbart and company's record with deceptive videos and deceptive video editing.

And never mind that a good deal of the ones showing up at Occupy protests are Ron Paul supporters and a lot of people who hate both of our major political parties, which this bunch also conveniently ignores.

And on a side note, besides her bloviating here that this supposedly "unorganized" and "unpaid" movement of theirs is going to take back the Senate next year, apparently Loesch and her husband took some time out over the weekend to scream at some Occupy protesters as well. Seems she's working hard to keep it just as classy as her boss, Andrew Breitbart.

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