Jon Stewart Mocks GOP For Obsession With Bestiality

The Daily Show's Jon Stewart took another shot this Wednesday at the RNC and their recent effort at "rebranding" the Republican Party. As Stewart noted, not two weeks after Reince Priebus made his big announcement, we were treated to Rep. Don Young and his "50-60 wetbacks" comment.

took another shot this Wednesday at the RNC and their recent effort at "rebranding" the Republican Party. As Stewart noted, not two weeks after Reince Priebus made his big announcement, we were treated to Rep. Don Young and his "50-60 wetbacks" comment.

And after Ben Carson and Rep. Louie Gohmert's remarks this week, Stewart was asking what the hell is up with conservatives and their obsession with "animal f*cking":

He observed that prominent conservative figures such as Dr. Ben Carson and Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) had recently compared same sex marriage to bestiality, causing him to wonder, “what it is with you people and the animal f*cking?”

“I don’t understand how your minds always go there,” Stewart continued. “Like, ‘then they’ll just remove the law of f*cking animals.’ Is that the only thing that has been holding you back? ‘Oh, wow, look at that goat, if only I wouldn’t get in trouble.’”

Stewart concluded his segment by pointing out that Gov. Bobby Jindal's suggestion that Republicans should stop being the "stupid party" isn't winning him any popularity contests in Louisiana.

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