Keith Olbermann To Donate $10K To Charity After "Mancow" Muller Is Waterboarded On Air

[media id=8394] Keith Olbermann withdraws his offer to Sean Hannity to give a donation to charity if Hannity ever agreed to be waterboarded and is in

through this week.

Olbermann: This is where I normally remind Sean Hannity that it is so many days since I took him up on his offer to be waterboarded for charity, without any reply from him. But with today’s development the point is moot.

"Mancow" Muller had the guts to put his mouth where his mouth was, and the guts to admit he was dead wrong. As you saw, he not only said waterboarding is torture but that is is drowning and that he would have admitted to anything to make it stop.

So the offer to the cowardish Hannity...a thousand dollars a second he lasted on the waterboard....is withdrawn. And to Mr. Muller, whose station’s publicity person contacted us yesterday saying she’d heard I’d offered ten thousand dollars to anybody who would do what he did…

You got it.

Ten thousand dollars to the military-families charity of the man who did the waterboarding, the group is called Veterans Of Valor.

Mr. Muller will join us on this news hour next week. As to Mr. Hannity… you are now unnecessary.

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