New Rule: Rich People Who Complain About Being Vilified Should Be Vilified

Bill Maher had a pretty good New Rules segment where he hit the WATB mega-rich who are complaining about their tax cuts possibly expiring. Good on Bill for that. I've got a New Rule right back for Bill Maher though when it comes to his show tonight.

Faking victimhood: Just how hurt was that supposed victim of SEIU 'thuggery'?

The bigger issue is why you think it's necessary to keep bringing these liars back on your show who you don't agree with and don't follow issues well enough to counter their lies. You're as bad as Jon Stewart as much as I love him as well with falling for the false equivalency game where you pretend you're being fair by giving the liars on the right a format to present their views as somehow a balance to those on the left. There's telling the truth and then there's lying to the American people.

You gave Andrew Breitbart and Amy Holmes a huge format to try to appear sane, balanced and let them lie to your audience and your viewers with way too many of those lies going unchallenged. I think that's just shameful. I don't mind a real debate where they get called on their B.S. and it's debated. You didn't do that on your show tonight and you let them talk over your guests that tried like Carl Sagan's wife Ann Druyan who was lucky to get a word in edgewise without being interrupted. And I don't know what the hell was wrong with Seth McFarlane tonight but apparently someone tied his tongue. I know he didn't agree with what Breitbart and Holmes were saying for the better part of the show but instead of attempting to call them out he sat there and let them rail on instead and just looked disgusted. Pitiful.

The transcript of Bill's rant is up at the HuffPo for anyone that can't watch the video.

New Rule: Rich People Who Complain About Being Vilified Should Be Vilified

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