O'Reilly Is Terribly Upset That Fluke Won't Appear On His Show To Be Grilled Over Her 'Sense Of Entitlement'

Bill O'Reilly really is as big of a bully as his fellow He-Man-Woman-Hater Rush Limbaugh. On this Monday night's "Talking Points Memo", O'Reilly was terribly upset that Sandra Fluke didn't want to appear on his show so he could grill her over her

actually saves money, a fact that O'Reilly has shown himself to be oblivious to ever since he decided to start railing on this issue.

Let me break out the violins for O'Reilly if heaven forbid any woman who knows already that O'Reilly is going to be hostile to her, especially given his record, might be running for friendlier territory to give interviews instead of appearing on his show.

If Fluke had decided to appear with O'Reilly, and if she could have gotten a word in to make her points, which I doubt she'd have been given a chance to adequately, she would have laid him to waste with facts. I don't blame her if she didn't trust him with a ten foot pole to have been potentially allowed that sort of interview to happen.

The odds given his record are that if she was on there live, she'd have been interrupted and talked over and bullied with the subject being changed constantly and then cut off if she finally started letting the Fox viewers be aware of the facts of the debate. If she was allowed a long taped interview where she had a chance to actually rebut him, it would have been edited to fit O'Reilly's agenda.

O'Reilly is also convinced that the Democrats having Fluke slated to testify at all was just some evil plot to help President Obama get reelected and all part of some grand plan that Republicans and I guess Darrell Issa got blind sided by and tricked into participating in. Heaven forbid those evil liberals were allowing Republicans to be shown to be the women hating extremists that they are by tricking them into exposing their sexism by asking this "contraception activist" to testify at a hearing and I guess knowing ahead of time that Issa was going to disrespect her in the way he did.

I thought O'Reilly was over the top last week with this issue. He's apparently decided that hole wasn't quite big enough and it was a good idea to keep digging.

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