Going into C&L's archives, I found this interview Andrea and her lawyer did on the TODAY Show back in Oct. 04....She says she went forward with the suit because Bill was going to pay her a little visit....
Download (Sorry for the small file size)
Andrea Mackris: Mainly the last time I had spoken to Bill and when this inappropriate conversation had happened---the last time. He said it was going to be in person. And, ummm...I felt extremely threatened for many reasons...
She either had a very good memory or she recorded it...
Well, it's one or the other, OK?
I was told that there was more than one taped call..
Can you imagine BillO making a personal appearance after he allegedly "sexually harassed" her? Many of you may have forgotten, but Andrea never made public her lawsuit. It was Bill O'Reilly himself who did and also sued her lawyer. I guess he thought he could intimidate them....You might say he thought FOX was invincible...