On Wednesday the Pentagon announced that Trump stole, er, "repurposed" funds from the military and other areas from the federal government to fund his moronic border wall. And now even Fox and Friends has to admit Trump promised "Mexico was going to pay for it."
As Fran reported yesterday, "Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper agreed Tuesday to free up $3.6 billion from the Pentagon budget for President Trump’s border wall by effectively defunding 127 military construction projects using emergency authorities."
Doocy the explained that Trump was "reprogramming" 3.6 billion dollars from the Pentagon which he said was de-funding 127 programs..."
I do love the different words they use to mitigate atrocious behavior like "repurposed" and "reprogrammed" instead of "hijacked" and "stole."
A dejected Ainsley said, "Well, you know this was his most prominent campaign promise. So you have to ask yourself, is it more important to fund these military projects were more important to fund the wall?"
Gee, since Mexico was supposed to pay for the wall this seems an unnecessary measure and a broken campaign promise altogether. Stealing the money from the Pentagon just throws salt on the wound.
Ainsley then made believe that Trump would make good on his promise of building "500 miles or one-quarter of the entire southern border by the end of next year."
Say, what? How many miles has he "built" so far?
Brian Kilmeade, as usual, had to blame somebody else to take heat off of Trump so he attacked the Obama administration for "starving the military year after year and watched it rot away."
I thought America had the greatest military of the entire world? Rotted, you say?
Brian's description of our military forces makes one believe if Canada invaded from the north through Minnesota, they would defeat the United States.
Kilmeade conveniently forgets that funding for the military was capped because of the Sequester deal between House Speaker John Boehner and the Democrats in 2013.
Brian also forgets that since the psycho members of the Freedom Caucus voted down every other compromise between the Obama administration and Republicans in Congress, that was the only budget deal they were able to pass. President Obama and Speaker Boehner tried to get a Grand Bargain, but that failed and the result was the Sequester.
Brian then read some media headlines about the stolen funds from the military.
Kilmeade said, "Mexico is off the hook, he's right, the president never should have said Mexico is going to pay for the wall. Though he says the going to get it in fees at the border crossings."
Every person, political operative, pundit and observer knew that Trump lied when he said Mexico would pay for the wall. It was his media minions on Fox that promoted his border wall lies and then refused to call him out for it.
Steve Doocy chimed in to say: “I think he did think initially he would find a way for Mexico to pay for it, but as we know, that did not work.”
Oh, that makes it all better. Poor Doocy. Poor Brian. Poor Ainsley.
Somebody, please rub their bellies to soothe them.