Ahmad Chalabi Bloviates In DC

SHORTER Verbatim Chalabi: "The issue of WMD - from our point of view - was a marginal issue and we did not give information or vouch for information on WMD. What we did was we introduced people to the United States Government, at their request,

SHORTER Verbatim Chalabi: "The issue of WMD - from our point of view - was a marginal issue and we did not give information or vouch for information on WMD. What we did was we introduced people to the United States Government, at their request, who, they asked us to introduce them to people who might know about WMD. And we didn't vouch for the information, we vouched for the people who came out whom they said they were."

Yeah. Thanks for that, asshole. Why is this fraudster on the DC talk circuit? Let's run him out of town on a rail.

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