ABC Asked Me To Do Their Tuesday Event With Breitbart And I Declined

Breitbart is carrying on in his usual fashion. Did you know he's Juan Williams now? FWIW, Alaska's KTVA has denied all claims made by Palin and Andy. I was asked to go on ABC's Arizona event with Breitbart and I declined. The Plum Line makes a

Breitbart is carrying on in his usual fashion. Did you know he's Juan Williams now? FWIW, Alaska's KTVA has denied all claims made by Palin and Andy.

I was asked to go on ABC's Arizona event with Breitbart and I declined. The Plum Line makes a good case on why this matters.

Time and time again, Breitbart has shown himself willing to manipulate information in order to make easily falsifiable claims, a pattern that has most news organizations displaying greater caution in adopting his "scoops."

ABC News' decision to host Breitbart isn't a matter of ideological balance, since there are conservative media critics just as partisan who aren't as prone to distorting the truth who might have been tapped.

In this context, ABC News' decision to host Breitbart, in any capacity, is a political act that extends credibility where none has been earned. It legitimizes a figure the mainstream press should have learned by now to be suspicious of. It sends the message to other media organizations that Breitbart is someone who can be trusted not to deliberately mislead an audience that is presumably coming to ABC News to be informed about matters of politics and public policy, when evidence suggests the opposite is true. Most importantly, it's the first step in Breitbart's journey back to mainstream legitimacy.

And Kos knocks down more garbage from a man who is a vicious race-baiter.

From the lying sack of crap, Andrew Breitbart, on being invited on ABC News:

Apparently, a Daily Kos blogger has also been asked to participate. Daily Kos, as many of you may know, has been widely discredited for spreading malicious falsehoods and political extremism

Ha ha ha. No, we're not going to be on ABC News website this election night. We have our own website to focus on. Nice try, trying to drag us into this, Andrew, but why would we want to share a stage with a pathological liar?

I also find it funny that Breitbart is going around bragging about being an analyst, while ABC News furiously claims otherwise. Memo to ABC News: You invite a pathological liar and paranoid schizophrenic on your network, and he will lie. Lesson learned?

Tuesday will be a busy time for this website and truth and facts do matter to all of us here. Not so much with Andrew. He's been helping to drag this country backwards in race relations since he began to selectively edit audio and video. I made the mistake of doing a panel with him for a small charity event months ago for the LA Weekly and he turned it into a farce. So I won't be part of this event. He's not interested in policy or analysis -- only smears, racial resentment and distortions. And here's some info about his pal, Dana Loesch.

Digby caught Spitzer calling Loesch out on her nonsensical spin, which he described as "hoax and hokum from the Tea Party."

I think Spitzer did the best thing -- just call it gibberish, hokum and a hoax, which it is. If you grant this crap any validity at all, you've already lost the argument.

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