ACORN Wins Injunction Against Congress, And Glenn Beck Defenders Are Forced To Apologize To COC For Their Race-baiting Lies

You can always count on Congress to do the wrong thing when conservative hissy fits come into play, but at least a judge saw the light. A Brooklyn ju

You can always count on Congress to do the wrong thing when conservative hissy fits come into play, but at least a judge saw the light.

A Brooklyn judge Friday delayed enforcement of a new federal law that cut off funding to the controversial community organization ACORN.

Judge Nina Gershon said the government violated ACORN's right to due process before enacting a law that threatened to financially destroy the organization.

"The question here is only whether the Constitution allows Congress to declare that a single, named organization is barred from all federal funding in the absence of a trial," Gershon wrote in a 21-page decision.

She said ACORN had proved it would suffer "irreparable harm" if the money was cut off.

ACORN lawyers expect the feds to open the purse strings soon. The Justice Department said the decision is under review.

Here's the pdf of the ruling.

On another matter, ColorofChange threatened to sue the defamatory website that was started to defend "phony tears" Glenn Beck because they used false information supplied by extremist sites like NewsMax. DefendGlenn was forced to post an apology on their website stating that they used patently false information -- lies, basically, to attack their opponents.


After ColorOfChange.org took on Glenn Beck for his race-baiting and fear-mongering, Beck's supporters fought back using lies, distortions, and more race-baiting to defend him. DefendGlenn.com was the worst, mounting a campaign to scare advertisers into staying on his show.

After we threatened them with a lawsuit, DefendGlenn.com has backpedalled. It should make clear to advertisers who have pulled their support that they've done the right thing...read on

Conservatives will say and do anything to smear and destroy a contrary belief. It's right out the Nixon "dirty tricks" book club.

Take a look at a screen grab of their apology below to Color of Change.

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