After Tom Coburn Says No To Tax Hikes, Why Are Republicans Being Taken Seriously On The Debt?
Tom Coburn says again what we already know. No new taxes to be included in any compromise from the Gang of Six. The Hill The bipartisan group of senators working on a long-term fiscal plan won't call for any significant tax hikes, one of its
Tom Coburn says again what we already know. No new taxes to be included in any compromise from the Gang of Six.
The Hill
The bipartisan group of senators working on a long-term fiscal plan won't call for any significant tax hikes, one of its Republican members said Thursday.
Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), a member of the Gang of Six group that is working on a plan to reduce the federal deficit, said that the group's three GOP members wouldn't sign on to an agreement that would raise taxes in a substantial way.
"There's no plan to have a significant tax hike on anyone," Coburn said on conservative talker Laura Ingraham's radio show. "I don't think there's any of the three of us who will embrace tax hikes."
Aren't gangs supposed to be a bad thing for society? This 'Gang of Six' will rob the American people as well as the Crips, Bloods or Gambinos ever did. Five Conservatives and one Liberal, who has sold out the base to make this compromise is not a melding of the minds. It's a scam. How can no tax increases be part of a deal to lower the debt? You can't cut your way out of deficits. It's impossible and destructive. Dick Durbin should be ashamed of himself for becoming the hatchet man that they use to attack the left with.
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