Alabama Teabagger/militiaman Threatens More Violence Against Liberals. (Audio)

Mike Vanderboegh, the Alabama tea party-militia man who advocated the breaking of windows which the Washington Post has reported has already taken p

Mike Vanderboegh, the Alabama tea party-militia man who advocated the breaking of windows which the Washington Post has reported has already taken place is on a roll.

Some of the vandalism appears to have been instigated by an Alabama blogger, Mike Vanderboegh, who encouraged his readers to throw bricks at the windows of Democratic headquarters across the country. Vanderboegh, a former leader of the Alabama Constitutional Militia who is headlining an open-carry gun rally in Northern Virginia next month, issued a call to the modern "Sons of Liberty" on his libertarian political blog to break windows nationwide to display opposition to health-care reform.

A vandal threw a brick into the glass doors at the Monroe County Democratic Committee's headquarters in Rochester overnight Saturday, attaching a note that quoted Barry Goldwater: "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice."

Vanderboegh continues his violent tendencies by saying that gun owners have been bullied around long enough and the inevitable conclusion now because of the passing of HCR is that there will be more violence and more Waco-like events in the future during an interview with Alan Colmes.

See, he's just trying to spare a bloody end for Nancy Pelosi. This is scary stuff, folks.

Think Progress:

VANDERBOEGH: I am telling you we are motivated to break windows, we feel a deadly threat from the Federal government and the orders that the Democrat party has given us. [...]

COLMES: You’re telling people to break the windows of Democratic headquarters. You’re telling people to commit acts of vandalism. You’re supporting breaking the law.

VANDERBOEGH: May I tell you my personal motive for doing this? I’m trying to save the lives of Nancy Pelosi, and every one of these people who do not understand the unintended consequences of their actions. [...] Because they are not paying attention to the million of people across this deepening divide that politics no longer avails them. [...] We refuse to participate in the system, and we refuse to pay the fines, and we refuse arrest. Now where do you suppose that’s going but a thousand little Waco’s.

The Patriot movement that started during the Clinton years has had a revival with the tender loving care that FOX News gave them when they created the Tea Party movement. Now they don't have to hide in the shadows or behind closed doors. Mark my words.

As the temperature rises in the east,

The spread of violence will increase.

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