American Crossroads is very angry that Jack Conway wouldn't sue the federal government over HCR. I thought conservatives hate lawyers and lawsuits, especially frivolous ones, didn't you? I forgot, hypocrisy rules for conservatives, and they sure love those lawsuits when they file them. By the way, here's a prime example of
American Crossroads' hypocrisy.
Here at American Crossroads, we want to do things a little differently from other political action groups. First of all, we believe that setting a new direction for America starts with you—not with clever political ads, consultants and slick fundraising pitches.
They hate clever political ads except when they try and run them. So typical of Karl. Rove and Rand Paul’s henchmen at the NRSC even put out a press release attacking Jack for being a progressive and of course being a trial lawyer.
What this country needs are more progressives and not more corporate sellouts. That is why Blue America are joining up to support a MoneyBomb for Jack at on Sept. 7 to fight back against Karl Rove and Rand Paul. Can we really afford to have Rand Paul and his Aqua Buddha representing the American people?
I think not, so please join us at and let's elect someone competent for a change.