Projection: Breitbart's New Conspiracy Theory Is Something Conservatives (like John McCain) Have Been Doing To Us For Years

Andrew Breitbart tries to whip up the right wing bloggers into a frenzy over his new conspiracy theory about "comments" put by liberals on right-win

Andrew Breitbart tries to whip up the right wing bloggers into a frenzy over his new conspiracy theory about "comments" put by liberals on right-wing blogs which appears in the Moonie Times. This meme is on Memeorandum and is so laughable that I spit out my coffee:

A digital war has broken out, and the conservative movement is losing. Read the comment sections of right-leaning blogs, news sites and social forums, and the evidence is there in ugly abundance. Internet hooligans are spewing their talking points to thwart the dissent of the newly-out-of-power.

We must not let that go unanswered.

Uninvited Democratic activists are on a mission to demoralize the enemy - us. They want to ensure that President Obama is not subject to the same coordinated, facts-be-damned, multimedia takedown they employed over eight long years to destroy the presidency - and the humanity - of George W. Bush.

OK, Andrew. The beginning to your article is as ridiculous as the propaganda that you put forth. First of all, President Bush destroyed his own administration and the GOP. I don't think I need to list what he's done to this country and to the world that led to his own demise and turned the leadership of the GOP into Rush Limbaugh's hands. He lied to the American people to start a war in Iraq, if you've forgotten. All without our help. We just happened to notice -- unlike, say, you.

Breitbart then goes on to say this:

So now that the right is vanquished and thoroughly out of power, why doesn't it learn from its conquerors and employ similar tactics? The answer is obvious. The right, for the most part, embraces basic Judeo-Christian ideals and would not promote nor defend the propaganda techniques that were perfected in godless communist and socialist regimes. The current political and media environment crafted by supposedly idealistic Mr. Obama resembles Hugo Chavez's Venezuela more than John F. Kennedy's America.

Ahhh, conservatives don't act like trolls because of GOD. This is indeed a revelation. However, I'm afraid Karl Rove missed the sermon. Maybe he can ask David Vitter about his behavior, since he's supposedly a good, diaper-wearing Christian man. Anyway, if what Breitbart is saying is true, then John McCain has a lot to answer for.

Why didn't Andrew complain when McCain's website targeted C&L and asked McCain supporters to come here and try to disrupt my site?

Here is John McCain, the GOP's hope for the presidency asking his followers to attack C&L and then awarding points for the people who do it the most times. McCain's camp not only attacked liberal blogs, but he was begging them to do it. Or was it a failing of his Judeo-Christian ideals? Where's the outrage, you hypocrite?

I wouldn't be surprised if this story is picked up by the media. Conservative whining is always acceptable and comfortable to the Villagers.

And just to help you understand blogs and how they function, people are not invited to leave comments on a particular site. For the most part readers come to a site and leave a comment if they so choose.

It's always been very open from the liberal side. A few blogs didn't offer comments, but on the whole it's been wide open. So Andrew's notion of commenting is false too. Typically, it has been right-wing blogs who either didn't use comments, or "invited" people on to comment. For years, left-wing blogs have been attacked by right wingers because we all operated openly, and many of us used "haloscan," a very easy and inexpensive way to allow people to comment on our sites, but I was forced to stop using it when right-wing haters started a coordinated effort to destroy C&L's comment section with racism.

It was out of that fight that I joined up with a number of the folks who make up the C&L team; others have volunteered to become site monitors on C&L and are heroes too because they help try to clamp down on the madness that emanated from the right. And it was the right wingers and the media who started to try and promote the phony meme that when anonymous opinions are left on our comment sections, these comments somehow represented us.

Larger right-wing blogs like Instapundit aka Glenn Reynolds never even allowed public comments, and Michelle Malkin very recently -- on occasion -- resumed letting a select few contributors post comments on her site after they have been thoroughly vetted. Little Green Footballs only allows people to post comments after they have registered, but has a fixed number of readers that can join up.

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No More Mister Nice Blog has some thoughts about Drudge's significant other on this very topic.

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