Ann Coulter Attacks 'Kindergarten Teachers' As Having Useless Jobs
The right-wing Village has been up in arms over Hoffa's recent statements because they are pros when it comes to playing the victim card. They are trying to find anything which gives them the opportunity to try and white wash the entire
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The right-wing Village has been up in arms over Hoffa's recent statements because they are pros when it comes to playing the victim card. They are trying to find anything which gives them the opportunity to try and white wash the entire tea party hate speech. And suddenly being a kindergarten teacher is a useless job.
Coulter: Hoffa Represents "Useless" Workers Like "Kindergarten Teachers" Instead Of "Men Who Have Actual Jobs"
I don't write much about her anymore because almost the entire Republican members of the House of Representatives are all versions of Coulter now. She's old news, a has been, passe, out dated, washed up. Please check out your thesaurus to add to the list. But she still can be as vile an anyone on the planet. Remember when she called all New Yorkers "cowards" back on 08/24/2005 after how they performed during the attacks on 9/11?