Bart Stupak Hates Nuns

Man, there are plenty of people to diss in the world these days, but Stupak managed to diss nuns, of all people. Wow, nuns. Hasn't he been beating on

Man, there are plenty of people to diss in the world these days, but Stupak managed to diss nuns, of all people. Wow, nuns. Hasn't he been beating on the ladies enough?

RH Reality Check:

In two interviews yesterday, Michigan Congressman Bart Stupak revealed a great deal about himself, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, politics and the internal workings of our "pro-choice" Democratic party.

First, in what shouldn't be surprising to anyone, Stupak told Fox News that he doesn't listen to nuns.

Why would he? They're only women, after all. And we know the men run the institutional Catholic church. If they didn't, there wouldn't be an international pedophilia scandal.


According to Fox:

Congressman Bart Stupak, D-Mich, responded sharply to White House officials touting a letter representing 59,000 nuns that was sent to lawmakers urging them to pass the health care bill.

The conservative Democrat dismissed the action by the White House saying, “When I’m drafting right to life language, I don’t call up the nuns.” He says he instead confers with other groups including “leading bishops, Focus on the Family, and The National Right to Life Committee.” [emphasis added.]

Consult the nuns? People who, despite their vows of chastity, also menstruate, and work directly with--indeed touch every day--the people who are most in need?

Yet, despite his unyielding efforts to front for the USCCB and the male "right-to-life-except-for-women" elite, Bart apparently wants us to feel sorry for the backlash he is experiencing in his crusade against women's most basic rights.

The Hill reports that "Leading a revolt against President Barack Obama’s healthcare legislation over abortion has been a “living hell” for Rep. Bart Stupak."

As Digby says:

The last people any good Catholic should consult are nuns. What the hell do they know? Much better to listen to Bishops who cover up for pedophiles and people who believe men should take their sons into the shower to show them their big penises so they won't be gay.

Those are just the people who should by making the decisions for American women.

Please help Connie Saltonstall to unseat this douche and donate to her campaign here.

Here he is with Matthews still lying about what's in the bill:

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