A Belated Happy Krauthammer Day

It was ten years plus one day ago that Charles Krauthammer said that US would have a credibility problem after five months if no WMDs were found in Iraq.

it was Krauthammer day!

It’s now been exactly a decade since Charles Krauthammer told us that

Hans Blix had five months to find weapons. He found nothing. We’ve had five weeks. Come back to me in five months. If we haven’t found any, we will have a credibility problem.

Charles Krauthammer has not only had that five month period, but twenty-three other five month periods after that first one, for weapons of mass destruction to be found. It’s news to no-one that no weapons have been found. It’s news to no-one that the reason they haven’t been found is because they weren’t there in the first place.

It’s news to no one that Charles Krauthammer is still a columnist at the Washington Post, a syndicated columnist across the US, and a regular talking head on TV. It’s news to no-one that Fred Hiatt, his then-boss and fellow Iraq bullshit artist is still the editor of the Washington Post’s editorial page. Or that Jackson Diehl, who I heard at the time from Washington Post people was even worse than Hiatt, is still there too.

Conservatives and neocons attacked Hans Blix and every other Iraq war cautioner and dissenter with as much ink, talk and hatred that they could muster up and they didn't have to worry about any consequences for their actions because of their media accomplices. Atrios brought us the Friedman Unit after his laughable time tables.

The term is in reference to a May 16, 2006, article by Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) detailing the repeated use by columnist Thomas Friedman of "the next six months" as the period in which, according to Friedman, "we're going to find out... whether a decent outcome is possible" in the Iraq War.[4]

So how many F.U.s have gone by so far since we attacked Iraq? What shall we call all those who fall into Krauthammer's paradigm?

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