Bill Kristol Is Left To Defend Palin " The DIVA" And Going "Rogue" On FNS
[media id=6668] (h/t Heather) Poor William the Bloody. He's virtually the only one left to defend his hand picked VP candidate, Sarah Palin for spend
Poor William the Bloody. He's virtually the only one left to defend his hand picked VP candidate, Sarah Palin for spending 150K on clothes, refusing to go on any of the Sunday Talk shows, not being viewed as competent for the job and now is being called a 'Diva' and going rogue by the McCain campaign as the wheels are falling off for Kristol.
In an interview with CNN today, one McCain adviser anonymously called Palin “a diva” and said “she is playing for her own future” political prospects. She is a diva. She takes no advice from anyone,” the advisor told CNN. “She does not have any relationships of trust with any of us, her family or anyone else. Also she is playing for her own future and sees herself as the next leader of the party. Remember: divas trust only unto themselves as they see themselves as the beginning and end of all wisdom.”
None of it is her fault. Nope, it's all McCain and the staff. And all his conservative pals criticizing her are just getting their information about Palin through the media. Obviously they are just lazy. I thought they all hated the librul media, Bill?
Kristol: I think Gov. Palin has been ill served by some of her staff.... I'm told she'll be happy to do a TV show, she hasn't gotten authorization, I hope she breaks free this week. She should do FNS and every other show as far as I'm concerned next Sunday. The staff has not served her well by hiding her.
I blame the campaign for not putting her out...I think it's just terrible that they're letting the image of her be that she's sort of rallying the crowds but has nothing serious to say.
Williams: If I said to you. who's being negative in all this media. Who's being so condemning of Sarah Palin, If I say David Brooks, Peggy Noonan, Kathleen Parker, Ken Adelman Mathew Dowd, who's the Democrat in there that's condemning, no those are all Republicans, Bill.
Kristol: Has any of them even read wither of those speeches. Has any of them met Sarah Palin or talked to her? There's a lot of condemnation going on that's based on second hand media accounts.
Williams: I think the reality is right now it hasn't been a help to the McCain ticket.
From June 30th, 2008...Kristol endorsing Sarah Palin on FOX....
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