Bill O'Reilly Compares Obamacare To 'A Vicious Motorcycle Gang'

Bill O'Reilly has been doing his best to attack Obamacare and last night he mus have been off his meds by calling it a A Vicious Motorcycle Gang'

proposal, calling it 'a terrible idea.'

But that hasn't stopped him from vehemently attacking Obamacare and calling it a complete failure since the shut down began a few days ago even though Obamacare hasn't really started yet. Since his proposal is being ignored by everybody (including his GOP pals), he's resorting to the tricks of AM hate talk radio.

O'REILLY: Now, Mr. Obama didn't answer the question. As you just saw he walked away from ABC News correspondent Jonathan Karl. But later on he did meet with the congressional leaders and nothing was accomplished. That's because the President is in a corner. The Syria deal made him look weak and he cannot afford to look weak again by compromising his signature issue Obamacare.

The Republicans are in a bad place as well. Another new poll out today says the Americans blame the government shutdown on Republicans by a 44 to 35 margin. But there is so much anger on the right over Obamacare that Republicans in Congress can't back down or their careers may be ruined. The RINO charge "Republican in name only" is not an easy thing for GOP politicians to deal with.

To be fair, Republicans have little choice but to hammer Obamacare, because it's shaping up to be a disaster. It's like this: your teenager comes to you saying she wants to attend a dance. You have some misgivings but you say OK because she is so passionate about the issue. Then you learn that a vicious motorcycle gang may well show up at the dance, so you change your mind. Based upon best available evidence and you protect your daughter from possible danger. Obamacare is like that.

In the past few knew what the unintended consequences would be. Now, we're seeing a loss of full-time jobs; higher health insurance premiums from many working Americans and a total lack of control by the feds in the implementation of the affordable healthcare law.
So our position must be mounted in good conscience. And Republicans are right to do that but the GOP may pay a heavy price for failing to implement a legal law.

Obamacare is like a vicious motorcycle gang? did he get a medical marijuana card? Has he been watching Marlon Brando in The Wild One again on TCM? Or maybe he finally tuned into the Sons Of Anarchy? (One of my guilty pleasures)

Fox News has been going ballistic over Obamacare and BillO is only toeing the company line, but his attacks on Obamacare are simply pathetic. Obamacare is not going to chain you up, addict you to junk, rape your daughter and then kill you, Bill-O.

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