Bill O'Reilly Laments A Possible Democratic WH And Congress And Get This...A Complicit Press

[media id=6639] The Roger Ailes led FOX News is actually saying this stuff. A big talking point coming out of the right wing press is that poor Ameri

The Roger Ailes led FOX News is actually saying this stuff. A big talking point coming out of the right wing press is that poor America might be subjected to a Democratic-led government after the election. You know, since the country is just so vibrant right now after eight years of Bush and Conservatism, but O'Reilly's comedy hour is just beginning. He's been bashing the "librul press" with a renewed vigor lately and was lamenting that the press will be complicate in enabling Obama's policies if he does win.

O'Reilly: My fear is when you have a collision if Obama wins the election where you have a committed left Congress and a committed left President with a committed left media, they all then meld together. I don't think this is healthy for the country, Juan. You're going to have a media that is sympathetic to whatever Congress and the President does, no matter what it is and you are going to have very few voices, talk radio, this network, some people, ummm in dissent. I'm getting a little uneasy here.

First of all, the press is supposed to cover the news and investigate it, not out-of-hand "dissent" an administration as O'Reilly says he will. Wow, I'm so shocked that Bill is a little uneasy with the possibility that the Democratic Party may have a chance to govern this country. When Bush and his cronies ran this country into the dirt, where was Bill? Oh, yea, he was cheerleading the Iraq war and the use of torture to name a few. When Juan tries to remind him of all the years of Republican control, he doesn't attack their policies or what they did to all of us, he just says, "and a liberal media." Ha! I never heard O'Reilly complain about a committed media bias towards Bush since they helped get him elected over Gore in 2000. Juan always starts off with some good points against O'Reilly and then usually falls right in line, like he does in this video clip. Williams believes that Obama should become a centrist. Please Juan, Obama can do without your help.

Besides all these pesky facts that I've been posting about for four years involving the media's culpability in allowing Bush to lie us into war with Iraq, BillO really is a piece of work. Does BillO remember how the press treated Clinton? Of course he does. This will be a huge talking point for the right and for many in the media as well. Fear the big bad Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid or they will eat your children. And the election hasn't even taken place. FOX certainly knows how to organize their talking points.

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