Bill O'Reilly On Occupy Wall Street: They're Jobless Because They Don't Want To Work

Bill O'Reilly attacks the Occupy Wall Street protests. He loves the tea party movement protests though. To Billo, the tea party are just folks angry at the government and whenever racist signs were proudly displayed or or voiced by Hank Williams

new Pew poll supports the idea that the class warfare meme is working against conservatives because the results show only Republicans are supporting that idea. Also, Republicans are helping the "haves" much more than the have-nots. it's hard to follow Bill's thinking sometimes. I wish I had Jon Stewart's wit because in one moment he says it's not spontaneous and calls it organized by professionals and in the next he says they are walking around aimlessly. I guess that means that the pros were hired to create massive protests and their central tenet is to have them not finely tune their messaging which is what the Koch Brothers Americans For Prosperity does, but walk around aimlessly.

Williams: First of all look at those Occupy Wall Street movement that you’re seeing right there first hand. It’s now spreading and it’s in LA, S, Pittsburgh, Boston,

O'Reilly: But you don’t think this is spontaneous do you?

Williams: Yes, I do, it's organic.

O'Reilly: Oh, they’re NOT! There’s groups behind them, professional people, these people, we sent Jesse Watters and these people just wander around…

Williams: Yea, but they’re jobless,

O'Reilly: They’re jobless because they don’t want to work! They admitted it to us. They won't work for the corporate man.

(Solidarity Pizza Fundraiser)

Williams: That’s not true. There is high unemployment among the young Americans because this economy is having such trouble

O'Reilly: Let me break it to you. if you have a college degree in this country, unemployment is 4.5% OK, Juan! So all these people, take a shower and they can get a job if they went to college. That's all.

Williams: No, what you're missing is they're underemployed...

In Bill's world, college is free and anyone can walk through the doors of Harvard and sign up for classes. Then get washed up after four or eight years in a university, everybody can go down to Mickey D's and find meaningful work. I know for a fact it's spontaneous since we've been interacting with NY, LA, Boston and SF and it's not run by professionals. but to Billo's point, people want to work. Now the next bit is great because Juan uses a Fox News poll and throws it back in O'Reilly's face. it was so bad for O'Reilly that he tried to dismiss his own poll because they probably worded the questions wrong..

Williams: These people can't find jobs or they're finding jobs flipping burgers and they're not happy. A lot of young people and guess what, you said the independents won't buy this.

O'Reilly: Yea.

Williams: There was a Fox News poll last week that says 'president Obama's class-warfare hopeful or divisive and the Fox Poll said 56% of Americans agreed that president Obama's class warfare described by the republicans is hopeful and positive and guess what, most independents agreed with it.

O'Reilly: I mean maybe the poll, the way the question was worded.

O'Reilly dissed the holy Fox News poll.

O'Reilly: I don't think Americans want this country to be divided over money and class. I agree that they are a lot of fat cat gangsters on Wall street and I've been outspoken about that. This ain't this. It's about I hate Capitalism, I want this socialist nirvana and I'm going to disrupt everybody's life to make my point. I'll give you the last point.

Williams: Here's what you're missing. In th elast Fox poll, in the Washington Post poll say they agree with the president that taxes should be raised on people who are making more than two hundred and fifty thousand. They agree right now that the rich aren't paying their fair share and if you go back to wall street, those guys are getting big bonuses, big payouts even after the government bailed them out...

Every poll shows Americans want to tax the rich to raise revenues for the government, it's that simple and Bill knows it.

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