Bill O'Reilly Upset At WI Protesters Who Denounce FOX News. Why Would That Be?

Bill O'Reilly was really upset because Wisconsin protesters were shouting down FOX News reporters who were trying to cover the story. O'Reilly claims that FOX is playing it straight with the protests and so the unions are making a big mistake

Alesiter" Crowley was on too and was pushing her Armageddon-like fearmongering that the we're all going to die if unions are allowed to exist as usual.

FOX Transcript:

One of the strategies for the pro-union people is to attack Fox News because FNC is one of the few media outlets not sympathizing with the protesters. Rather, we are trying to play it straight. That is not sitting well with some on the union side:


JEFF FLOCK, FOX BUSINESS: Most of the protesters, despite this gentleman here. Most of the people have been…


FLOCK: …fairly reasoned, calm and willing to talk.


FLOCK: Because, as you know, we have done our best to give everybody a voice here.


MIKE TOBIN, FOX NEWS: You're going to have to listen beyond the hecklers as I answer your question but yes Gov. Walker shot that right down. He said limiting collective bargaining on a temporary basis is just moving a budget problem along to the next election cycle.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And we're hoping to go back and try to do a basic calculation of just how many people….

PEOPLE: Tell the truth. Tell the truth.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Our best guess at this point that there are hundreds if not…

STUART VARNEY, FOX BUSINESS HOST: OK, and here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to ask you to get off TV for a second. Get on the phone. Get to a place where we will be able to hear you telling the truth and away from that raucous crowd in the background.


"Talking Points" believes that pro-union demonstrators are making a big mistake by attacking Fox News and portraying themselves as unreasonable.

The Democratic senators in Wisconsin are also making a huge error in leaving the on

Bill then claimed that the disgusting Rasmussen poll was accurate to indicate that it was the people that were losing the battle for public opinion. Nate Silver analyses the polling questions and writes:

Because of the problems with question design, my advice would be simply to disregard the Rasmussen Reports poll, and to view their work with extreme skepticism going forward.

And Americans are supporting the unions over Scott Walker. To FOX, their Big Lie is that the Tea Parties were a totally organic and natural uprising and not sore losers who were aided by Koch Brothers corporation types that funded many of their phony grassroots gatherings. In our book, Over The Cliff, David and I document every step FOX News took in their promotion of the Tea Parties, which was seismic and the first time in the history of broadcasting that a network took such an active roll in creating a movement to derail a newly elected president and the agenda he was elected to enact.

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