CBO: Dream Act Would Cut 1.4 Billion Dollars Off The Federal Deficit. Please Make Some Calls

You know I'm not a deficit hawk in any way, but the CBO released a study that shows if Congress does pass the DREAM Act, it would save us $1.4 billion over ten years. This just in -- a new Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimate of the DREAM

You know I'm not a deficit hawk in any way, but the CBO released a study that shows if Congress does pass the DREAM Act, it would save us $1.4 billion over ten years.

This just in -- a new Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimate of the DREAM Act shows that the legislation would increase revenues by $2.3 billion in the 2011-2020 period. After accounting for spending: CBO and JCT estimate that enacting the bill would reduce deficits by about $1.4 billion over the 2011-2020 period.The House is expected to vote on the common-sense measure next week.

According to Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice: The new CBO estimate adds to what we already know. The DREAM Act is an important means of strengthening our economy, bolstering our military, and upholding American values of community, opportunity, and hard work. Both parties and both chambers of Congress should act to pass it immediately.

Why does this matter? Because Republicans are screaming that they won't vote for any legislation that doesn't cut the federal deficit. Well, here's your chance, so pass the damn bill. As bad as OFA has been, they've finally stepped up and asked for help in making calls to those senators who are showing signs of cowardice.

Make The Call:

Please call your Senators and your Representative, and tell the staffers who answer that you're counting on them to stand strong and vote for the DREAM Act. Congressional Switchboard: (202) 224-3121

Here's a target list of the Senators in question.


The following senators have indicated that they will not vote for the DREAM Act, but are still being targeted:


It doesn't matter if the are D's or R's. Judd Gregg has been a deficit freak, so if he can't vote for this simple measure to cut the deficit, then you can make the case that he's a LIAR!

Joan makes a good point.

Good for Cantwell, Bennet and Boxer. Their weaker-kneed cohorts among the Dems--Max Baucus, Jon Tester, Ben Nelson, Kent Conrad and Joe Manchin--need to understand the long-term consequences for the Democratic party, supposedly their party, if they fail on this most humane and basic of immigration reforms.

I ask once again: Isn't there any decency left in politics?

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