Charles Krauthammer Says Michele Bachmann's Stance On Debt Ceiling Is 'Unbelievably Irresponsible'

Bill O'Reilly is pretty good at hiding his disdain for Michele Bachmann's policies because he knows she's too radical to get elected and will ultimately hurt the GOP, but he doesn't want to alienate his Tea Party base of viewers,l which is

Bill O'Reilly is pretty good at hiding his disdain for Michele Bachmann's policies because he knows she's too radical to get elected and will ultimately hurt the GOP, but he doesn't want to alienate his Tea Party base of viewers,l which is strong. He slyly calls her beliefs into question whenever he can -- especially on the debt ceiling debate, where she has stated she will never vote to raise it. Charles Krauthammer comes on The Factor to attack the federal deficit and then diss 'Pray Away The Gay' Bachmann. (rough transcript)

Charles: ...I think this is a life or death decision for Republicans. I think it would be catastrophic if Republicans would not go with the Boehner plan.

Bill: When you hear a Michele Bachmann, who we like here -- we think Michele Bachmann is very responsible -- when you hear, you know what? I'm not voting for the debt rise no matter what. I don't care if you cut 40 trillion dollars out of it, I don't care I'm not voting for it. What drives that?

Krauthammer: I'm not going to be the psychiatrist other than to say it is unbelievably irresponsible, even only from the point of view of this...

...why would you want to kill the Boehner plan and share the economy with Obama? It makes no sense whatsoever even in the narrowest political sense.

Charles goes on babble about cutting spending and to say that Conservatives must control all three branches to push their agenda and be able to govern the way they'd like which means, gutting the federal government.

Of course this will only prolong our economic problems and hurt millions of average Americans working and not working and will create more unemployment throughout the land of the free. You know our spending on the Military Industrial Complex will never be properly held to account and you can kiss Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid goodbye as we know it as well. What a grand vision of America; the land of the rich.

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