Chris Christie's Poll Numbers Drop Gain In NJ, But Billionaires Still Begging For Him To Run In 2012

So far Roger Ailes, Chris Wallace, and the Koch Brothers -- along with almost every conservative TV pundit on the planet -- have all been clamoring for New Jersey's Governor Chris Christie to run for president, but to no avail. The latest group from

So far Roger Ailes, Chris Wallace, and the Koch Brothers -- along with almost every conservative TV pundit on the planet -- have all been clamoring for New Jersey's Governor Chris Christie to run for president, but to no avail. The latest group from the billionaire elites to beg for his services include some prominent donors and Hedge Fund managers:

Fifty of the most prized donors in national politics, including several hedge-fund billionaires who are among the richest people in the world, schlepped to a Manhattan office or hovered around speakerphones Tuesday afternoon as their host, venture capitalist Ken Langone (pronounced LAN-goan), a co-founder of The Home Depot, implored New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie to reconsider and seek the GOP presidential nomination. The governor was firm that it’s not in the cards this time, but left his spurned suitors with the impression he might well go in 2016. He impressed the audience with his emphasis on family and commitment, and flashes of disarming humor.

Langone backed Rudy Giuliani in 2008, and his guests came from both parties, although most were moderate Republicans. Most are uncommitted in the presidential race. Participants who rank on the Forbes list of richest Americans included Bernie Marcus, Paul Tudor Jones (hedge funds; $3.3 billion), Stan Druckenmiller (hedge funds; $2.5 billion) and Bernie Marcus (Home Depot; $1.9 billion).

Several of them said: I’m Republican but I voted for President Obama, because I couldn’t live with Sarah Palin. Many said they were severely disappointed in the president. The biggest complaint was what several called “class warfare.” They said they didn’t understand what they had done to deserve that: If you want to have a conversation about taxation, have a conversation. But a president shouldn’t attack his constituents – he’s not the president of some people, he’s president of all the people. Someone mentioned Huey Long populism.

These whiny, vain men of wealth have only seen rocketing profits and have been insulated from prosecution or the financial collapse that has plagued middle America with high unemployment, but being called a few names is too much for them to handle. What wankers.

Digby writes:

The only thing Obama did to these Masters of the Universe was use the word "fat cat" a couple of times and mouth platitudes like "people like me should pay their fair share" as if it will really hurt any of these hedge fund hogs to give up the tiniest percentage of their ill gotten gains. Other than that, he's been downright subservient. Certainly nothing in the deficit reduction talks can be seen as particularly threatening.

No, they are the very definition of what Atrios dubbed the WATBs. (You can look it up.) This is purely because they feel they haven't gotten the public respect and deference they deserve. Even though they screwed everything up royally (pun intended) and the ungrateful little people had to bail them out. As Michele Bachman would say -- that's some major chootspaw.

These people of wealth sure love the conservative bully from New Jersey, but a new poll released by the PPP shows his support among New Jersey voters keeps plummeting.

“New Jerseyans are smart. So, it’s no surprise that Governor Christie’s poll numbers are dropping faster than Rupert Murdoch avoiding a cream pie at a Parliament hearing,” said Joshua Henne, spokesman for One New Jersey, a new progressive watchdog group.

According to data released today by “Public Policy Polling”, a mere 43% of voters approve of the job Christie is doing, while a whopping 53% disapprove. This ten-point differential represents a full thirteen-point dip from when PPP last polled earlier this year.

“While Governor Christie might be popular in Iowa or among GOP fundraising circles in the D.C. beltway, those families who have to live with the ramifications of his policies in New Jersey know better,” said Joshua Henne, spokesman for One New Jersey, a new progressive watchdog group. “With Chris Christie in the Statehouse, New Jerseyans are paying more and getting less. After nearly two years of Christie’s bluster, middle-class and working families are far worse-off than when he took office – with less jobs and higher property taxes.”
For fun, PPP decided to put Bruce Springsteen in a head-to-head poll with Christie. Right out the gate, he would tie Christie 42-42. Bruce would start in this position because – unlike Christie – Springsteen knows “nobody wins unless everybody wins

If only The Boss would run. The MillBills Club are acting like love sick puppies over the nasty Christie, but the people that he serves have turned on him because they actually are feeling the results of what his policies bring. of course his ideas will never hurt the wealthy like they do the 98%ers.

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