Chris Wallace Begs Chris Christie To Run For President In 2012

Gov. Chris Christie is the GOP's new Great Hope to overtake the White House and on FOX News, Chris Wallace was practically begging him to run for President in 2012. From Lexis Nexis: WALLACE: You have repeatedly rejected calls to run for

Lexis Nexis:

WALLACE: You have repeatedly rejected calls to run for president in 2012. In fact, you said, short of suicide, you don't know what you could do to convince people that you're not running.

But I want to put up -- because I'm still not convinced, I want to put up a poll, a new poll of all the potential GOP candidates. And the only one who currently beats President Obama is a fellow named Chris Christie, 43 percent to 40 percent. Don't you think you're up to being president?

CHRISTIE: Listen, the president, rather, can rest easy, because the only guy who is beating him in that poll isn't running.

I have a state to run. I love New Jersey.

WALLACE: But why not? You obviously feel strongly about this. You think you have got a better way to do it and that everybody else is messing it up. Why not go for it?

CHRISTIE: Listen, two reasons. One, I have a commitment to my state. I have been governor for a year. New Jersey's problems are not fixed. We have a lot of hard work to do.


WALLACE: You don't think you could help more in the White House than in the state house?

CHRISTIE: No, I don't think I can help New Jersey more in the White House than I can help it in the state house. And secondly, you have got to believe in your heart that you're personally ready to be president, and I'm not there.

WALLACE: Why not? I mean, seriously. You say you answer the questions. In what way are you not ready to be president?

CHRISTIE: Listen, I think every year you have as a governor in an executive position in a big state like New Jersey would make you better prepared to be president. And after one year as governor, I am not arrogant enough to believe that after one year as governor of New Jersey and seven years as the United States attorney that I'm ready to be president of the United States, so I'm not going to run.

WALLACE: Yes, but you know, and I heard you say it might make more sense somewhere down the line, 2016, 2020, whatever. But one of the things that Obama learned and showed us all in 2007, when it's your moment, you have got to move.

CHRISTIE: Listen, that is a decision that he made. And he's obviously was successful in winning the presidency. My view is I want to, if I ever would have run for the presidency, if I was ever to do it, I want to make sure in my heart I feel ready. And I don't think you run just because political opportunity is there. That's how we wind up with politicians who aren't ready for their jobs. WALLACE: Governor Christie, we want to thank you so much for coming in. And please come back, sir. It's a pleasure to talk to you.

CHRISTIE: I will. Thanks, Chris.

Their love affair with Christie is rooted basically in only two facts I can see at this time.

A) He's a good communicator on TV. He's fairly articulate and appears like a guy you'd want to have a beer and a hot dog with.

B) He loves bullying state and union workers around during town halls while canceling a major tunnel project that would have meant many jobs for NJ. The Teachers Union is in line this time for his authoritarian act. He loved to tell this teacher that if she didn't like his merit pay idea it she could stop teaching. And the Tea Party loves him because of this.

Already the merit pay scheme has been discredited. Education experts say Gov. Christie's teacher merit pay can do more harm than good for students

And here's a study that proves the point of the useless merit pay scam he's trying to pull on teachers.

Paying teachers bonuses to improve student test scores may not work after all, according to a new study researchers say is the first scientifically rigorous test of merit pay.

Vanderbilt University researchers studied a program in Nashville that offered bonuses of $5,000 to $15,000 to middle school math teachers if their students scored higher than expected on a statewide exam, according to a report released today.

After three years, the program proved to be a bust, the study said. Except for some temporary gains, students did not progress any faster in classrooms where teachers were offered bonuses.

Christie and NJ are in crisis and he hasn't fixed a thing there yet except making job cuts and refusing tunnel projects. He's also didn't distinguish himself with his latest showing of arrogance when he stayed on a Florida vacation instead of helping NJ when the snow came. Rudy Giuliani blasted him for it.

On Morning Joe today, Rudy Giuliani looked back at Chris Christie's much-discussed absence from New Jersey during the snow storm.

"Chris should've come back.

I mean, if he asked me my advice, I would've said 'They elected you governor, they've got an emergency, they expect you to be there.'

You know, you've got to be there if you're a governor, a mayor, or even a president, if it's important enough."

The Zogby poll which shows Christie beating Obama 43-40 has FOX and their friends in a dizzy. Funny how they didn't mention the PPP poll which shows that Obama whipping Christie in NJ, 55-38. Expect to see more FOX News love heaped upon Christie. If they could get away with it, he'd probably be on their payroll already.

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