CrooksandLiars Named A 'Top 25 Blog Of 2009' By Time Magazine

We are very proud to be named one of the Top 25 Blogs of 2009 by Time Magazine.

Everyone at C&L works long and hard to make this corner of the internet worth the visit seven days a week. It's not done for the awards, naturally, but it's always nice to be recognized for what we do.

Time Magazine thinks we rock!

John Amato:

I'm very grateful for everyone who helps put this blog together and for all the help our readers give. I think it was Dan Manatt of Politics TV that called me the Vlog Father a few years ago when we were talking on the phone. I thought that was pretty funny and we laughed about it. TIME used it.

Time Magazine:

When professional musician John Amato launched the Crooks and Liars political blog in October 2003, it featured something that was quite novel in those ancient pre-YouTube days: video clips. Today, Crooks and Liars is among the most widely read political blogs on the Web, and Amato — now known in blog circles as "the Vlogfather" — is recognized as a pioneer of video blogging. The video selections — snippets from government press briefings, Congressional hearings and TV talk shows — are the sort of clips that Jon Stewart uses for fodder, but this is a chance to see the video in its original unintentionally humorous context. Amato leans liberal, but his blog is an equal opportunity attack dog, taking a bite out of the crooks and liars on both sides of the aisle.

Thanks, team.

(Correction for TIME: I started C&L in September of '04, but posted our first video on Oct, 19th)

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