Clarence Thomas Pushes Past Ruth Bader Ginsberg In A Display Of Utter Disrespect
[media id=7418] As the Supreme Court entered the chamber last night, it was nice to see Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg return to the court and make a pu
As the Supreme Court entered the chamber last night, it was nice to see Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg return to the court and make a public appearance after undergoing surgery for cancer of the pancreas. In a sign of respect, the other justices that came in behind her actually slowed their pace and walked behind her since she still is recovering -- except Clarence Thomas.
This was her moment, and he barged over it like an ignorant teenager.
It didn't take that long for her to get to her seat, but he couldn't be bothered to wait and barged right past her. I watched the entirety of it and it wasn't like he had very far to go. She became an object of affection by the media and the Congress as she has come back so quickly. I know he wishes her no ill will, but Clarence could show a little respect at least.