Conservatives Do Their Part To Try And Kill Health Care Reform: A Video Collage

Media Matters puts it together. This is what airs day in and day out...Notice that these are all rich people with incredible health care who are doi

Media Matters puts it together. This is what airs day in and day out...Notice that these are all rich people with incredible health care who are doing all the smearing.

I wonder how Jared Polis got mixed up with this crowd?

But as far as I'm concerned, if you don't believe in the progressive income tax you've talked yourself out of the Democratic party, period. There is no more fundamental tenet of the progressive philosophy. It's like being a socialist Republican -- philosophically incoherent. (And you'll notice, there aren't any such things.) Protecting people who make more than $350,000 dollars a year from being taxed beyond their currently historically low level --- the vaunted top 1% --- simply cannot be a Democratic value. It's absurd on its face.

This is concern trolling by the Wall Street Journal, to be sure. But they didn't make up Jared Polis' position. If Polis can't explain to his wealthy Democratic constituents why they have an obligation to give back to ensure that our society is stable and secure and our economy is strong, then he needs to go into another line of work.

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