Contessa Brewer: Maybe It's The Republicans With Deaf Ears On The Stimulus!
[media id=7359] I'm shocked. Contessa Brewer finally starts stating the obvious. Republicans have been obstructionists during the stimulus plan and m
I'm shocked. Contessa Brewer finally starts stating the obvious. Republicans have been obstructionists during the stimulus plan and maybe playing politics with the country instead of trying to actually solve our problems. But for her to confront it head on for a change was quite refreshing.
Debra Cooper writes this in an email with a rough transcript:
Is this a break in the media ice in their definition of bipartisanship?'s the Democrats' responsibility to do it the Republican way..not that it's Republicans who should cooperate with the Dems and the president. I found this astonishing.....because I have never seen her as toeing the CW Broder line before. Contessa Brewer and John Harwood interview Sheryl Gay Stolberg of NY times, someone who took a lot of dictation from George Bush.
Brewer: Is President Obama able to control his message against than the Nattering Nabobs of Negativism Can he slowly change the ways of Washington?
Stolberg: Obama wanted a big bipartisan vote and he didn't get it. He passed it just like George Bush passed pushing through a one party bill.
Harwood: Are you being a Nattering Nabob of Negativism by pointing to that when the guy's a 66% and he's just got this 800 Billion package through?
Stolberg: I would say I am being a Nattering Nabob of Fairness, not such good alliteration there....
Stolberg: Obama went courting Republicans...he framed bill as a show of unity. Instead it could have been a lesson in setting expectations. We need this measure and if it get Republican votes fine, but it's a high priority for us.
Brewer: Isn't that what he did say though, I mean Didn't he do just that....Cocktails etc. Reaching across the aisle. But they wanted what? a Republican stamp on the bill. After all the Democrats won.
Stolberg: (long reply about the "I won" statement from POTUS meaning nothing) Even so the pres made such a strong point in his campaign of about changing the ways of Washington, it couldn't help but be a disappointment when it didn't get republican votes.
Brewer: Perhaps it was the Republicans with the deaf ears on that front
Stolberg (Taken aback and stutters) "Well perhaps.....
Brewer: Let's make that the last word on that
Stolberg: Okay I'll let you have the last word.
Notice how uncomfortable Stolberg is when she's confronted by Brewer about the deaf ears Republicans have? She can barely respond to the thought that it might be their fault. The Beltway elitist class of reporting Stolberg brings to this segment is why this nation is falling apart. Why was it so hard for her to admit that Republicans did not bargain in good faith with President Obama?