David Axelrod Agrees With Dunn On FOX NEWS: 'Not Really A News Organization'

[media id=10380] (h/t Heather) David Axelrod backed up Anita Dunn on ABC's THIS WEEK by saying that he believes FOX Noise is not a news station. It's

at least Axelrod didn't back off her comments.

“I’m not concerned, Mr. Murdoch has a talent for making money,” Axelrod said.

“The only argument that Anita was making is that they are not really a news organization, if you watch even its not even their commentators, but a lot of their news program. It’s really not news, it’s pushing a point of view and the bigger thing is that other news organizations like yours, ought not to treat them that way. And we’re not going to treat them that way, we’re going to appear on their shows and participate, but understanding that they represent a point of view.”

It's much more than a point of view. FOX News should be considered a right wing PAC. They actively set up rallies and protests. When will they start raising money for republican candidates? Will FOX advertise a big network special and take a full day out of their schedule and raise money for the 2010 mid terms? Hannity already does republican fundraisers. I might have given them an idea...

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