David Axelrod To Rick Davis: 'You're Selling Lobbyists Access To Senator McCain
[media id=6572] After Rick Davis tried to downplay the news that Palin was found to have abused her power in Alasks with the Troopergate scandal, a h
After Rick Davis tried to downplay the news that Palin was found to have abused her power in Alasks with the Troopergate scandal, a heated exchange appeared on FNS with Chris Wallace, when Obama's campaign manager told McCain's camp guru Rick Davis that he's selling access for McCain to lobbyists...
Axelrod: Look I think the way you root out corruption in Washington is first take on the lobbyist culture and you know what we can't have are lobbyists making millions of dollars selling access to public officials as Rick has done selling access to Sen McCain. That is not how you clean up Washington.
Is it false that you sell access to Senator McCain. Do you sell access to Sen. McCain?
Davis immediately cuts him off and starts yelling at David. It was like this a lot. It's been reported over and over again that McCain's campaign is chock full of lobbyists who were paid off...How can Rick Davis talk about cleaning up DC when he's one of the leading causes of its downfall?
Davis floats around a new canard for McCain---that it'll be bad for America if the White House and Congress go to the Democratic party.
I know it would be just exquisite for Rick Davis if it all remained a total Republican Congress and White House just like before. He didn't complain when Bush and his cronies were rubber stamping each other.
If the country is lucky enough, we will have kicked out the people that are responsible for the political corruption that has helped destroy our economy and give us a chance to rebuild America....
And don't worry, the Conservatives will do everything they can to block any good piece of legislation anyway they can no matter who's in charge.