Delta Airlines Charges Returning Home US Troops, $2800 For Extra Baggage: UPDATED
I've written a lot about Delta Airlines anti-Union shenanigans and Scott Walker like activities and had a nice conversation with Sam Seder about it on his Majority Report. How low has this company sunk since I talked to Sam about them? Huff
I've written a lot about Delta Airlines anti-Union shenanigans and Scott Walker like activities and had a nice conversation with Sam Seder about it on his Majority Report. How low has this company sunk since I talked to Sam about them?
Delta Air Lines is facing intense criticism after charging 34 U.S. soldiers returning from Afghanistan $2,800 in baggage fees.
The incident came to light on Tuesday after a couple of the new-media savvy soldiers recorded a video about their ordeal and posted it on YouTube.
"We showed up and found out we had too many bags," said Army Staff Sgt. Robert O'Hair in the video, which was shot on their flight. "We had four bags, and Delta Air Lines only allows three bags. Anything over three bags you have to pay for, even though there's a contract between the United States government and Delta Air Lines: When returning from Afghanistan on military orders, you're authorized up to four bags."
O'Hair added that all the soldiers with a fourth bag had to pay $200 out-of-pocket. The total for the 34 soldiers was more than $2,800. O'Hair's fourth piece of luggage was his weapons case, carrying the tools he used, in his words, to "protect myself and Afghan citizens while I was deployed in the country."
We've seen how JP Morgan Chase and mortgage companies have mistreated our troops over their homes and now comes this insult. Matt Cherette writes:
Delta has since explained that it allows soldiers returning from active duty to check three bags at no charge if they're traveling in coach (four for those few in first or business class), but the airline didn't say whether it plans to reimburse the soldiers—who were returning from Afghanistan!—for the fees. That's because Delta is horrible and hates freedom, obviously.
UPDATED: Delta has now been shamed into changing their policy.
Delta has changed its baggage policy for U.S. servicemembers in response to the controversy. Rachel R. put an
updated post on the company's blog on Wednesday, announcing the changes and stressing the airline's appreciation for armed forces. Delta's statement, from the site
This is just another reason to boycott Delta Airlines: