Did Christmas Come Early? Thanks, Boehner!

Watching the Beltway fiscal cliff chatter has been nauseating, to say the least, as Christmas falls upon us. I've always looked upon John Boehner as more of an Ebenezer Scrooge/Grinch type character, but this year, he's looking like Santa Claus

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Watching the Beltway fiscal cliff chatter has been nauseating, to say the least, as Christmas falls upon us. I've always looked upon John Boehner as more of an Ebenezer Scrooge/Grinch type character, but this year, he's looking like Santa Claus for progressives:

In response to President Obama’s extensive comments about the fiscal cliff at the White House Wednesday afternoon, House Speaker John Boehner left himself little if any room to continue negotiations.

Here’s the key piece of Boehner’s brief comments from his appearance before reporters in the Capitol:

“Tomorrow the House will pass legislation to make permanent tax relief for nearly every American — 99.81 percent of the American people,” he said, referring to his own so-called Plan B. “Then the President will have a decision to make. He can call on Senate Democrats to pass that bill, or he can be responsible for the largest tax increase in American history.”

That sounds like he’s giving Obama a choice between Plan B or the fiscal cliff. No more negotiations over a broader deficit reduction plan.

Boehner did not take any questions from the press, but a spokesman for the speaker affirmed that the lines of communication with the White House remain open and that Boehner was not signaling the end of negotiations.

Whether or not he’s foreclosing on further negotiations before the end of the year, Boehner did suggest that he’d entertain further negotiations over a “balanced” plan in the future.

“The President’s offer of 1.3 trillion dollars of revenues, 850 billion dollars in spending reductions, fails to meet the test the President promised the American people: a balanced approach,” he said. “I hope the President gets serious soon about providing and working with us on a balanced approach.”

All the Villagers today have been speaking in somber tones on teevee because they fear we will jump off the cliff and the Pete Petersons will not get their much-hoped-for-and-sought-after pound of flesh out of Social Security or Medicare.

President Obama is a great campaigner, but an awful negotiator, as Kos has been documenting. Capitulating should never be an option.

Everyone in D.C. follows the polls very closely, so at the least, why doesn't Axleod understand what the people want by now? At this point, if funding for Social Security hasn't been increased for future generations, and it has to be included in a deal, then this deal needs to fail.

I didn't think the GOP and Boehner would be this crazy and let it all slip away, but the lunacy of the TeaBirchers knows no bounds.

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