Duncan Hunter On Obama: 'I Think He Has Great Teeth'

[media id=6656] (h/t Heather) Oh boy, where to begin? Tweety asks Duncan Hunter about John McCain's chances in the general election after a new NY Ti

(h/t Heather)

Oh boy, where to begin? Tweety asks Duncan Hunter about John McCain's chances in the general election after a new NY Times poll came out saying that Obama has a 13 pt lead: 52-39. Hunter says McCain was way down before and while not eloquent, he knows how to spell the word "win" and his foreign policy background is a winning issue. Typical surrogate talk and then Matthews brought up the fact that the Rick Davis-led campaign never focused on Iraq, but instead hit the very petty, low brow personal attack points that we've seen many times before.

Matthews: ....all these diversions they've used. The fact that he might be anti-American...this whole thing about socialist. Joe the plumber. What's that got to do with the security issue you say?

Hunter: I think John is wrong in that case. I think he has been tested. He was tested on Iraq. And here was a guy with great teeth, great speaking style, excellent politician and a superb debater, but when it came to the major issues...

Matthews:...we just heard from Congressman Hunter that the winning piece of this man's vocabulary, the winning piece of his resume is that he has a nice smile, he has good teeth. Is that your assessment of Barack Obama, he's the first African American with a real shot to be President of the United States and is 13 points ahead of his Republican rival, that he has good teeth?

Hunter: Also a good debater and very eloquent.

Sounds like Duncan Hunter is describing an award winning horse. Even Matthews caught on and when he called Hunter on the "teeth" remark, Hunter didn't try to say he misspoke, only that Obama is a good debater and very eloquent.

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