Ed Schultz Blasts Hugh Hewitt's Boycott Of GM Because He Calls It A Socialist Company. What About The Working Families?
Ed Schultz held no punches back when he went after Hugh Hewitt's idiotic call for a national boycott of all GM and Chrysler cars because he calls them
A pair of right-wing radio hosts says there's only one choice for conservatives angry about government involvement in the auto industry: Boycott GM. "Nobody wants to support an Obama company," Rush Limbaugh told his audience Friday, citing a poll showing that 17 percent of Americans backed a boycott of GM.
"Every dollar spent with GM is a dollar spent against free enterprise," conservative talker Hugh Hewitt wrote online last week.
"While it's not surprising that Rush Limbaugh would root for the failure of a national institution for partisan political gain, it is surprising that the other so-called leaders of the Republican party are silently going along with him given how many hard working Americans rely on GM for a living," said DNC spokesman Hari Sevugan.
So far, there is little evidence that the government's involvement is turning off buyers. In bankruptcy for the entire month of May, Chrysler had its best sales month of the year.
Ed hits the Grassley nail on the head. Why are Hugh Hewitt and Rush Limbaugh trying to destroy the American automotive industry? What about the families that need these jobs to survive? Will Hewitt and Limbaugh support all the families this child like boycott could affect?
Schultz is calling for a boycott of the Salem radio network.
Ed: Conservatives, are you out of your mind? Do you know how many Americans have lost their jobs in manufacturing? Do you know how many American families are being affected, their livelihoods are being drilled because of this recession and what do they do, they push back on the American families that are doing the absolute best they can to build a great product...
What do you say we just kick the American worker in the teeth. What do you say we just give all the money to Wall Street. Let's just take their health care, let's take their education, let's take their jobs. Let's just genuflect to the Hugh Hewitts of the world.
We know where Hewitt's heart resides. His love of CEOs and fat cats that prey on the working class to finance their palaces. And the media slobbers over Hewitt every time he writes a mindless book, but we never see a liberal on TV who releases one. Where's Eric Boehlert, where's David Neiwert? All three have excellent books just release, but they are almost no where to be found on cable news. Why the silence of liberals? Anyway, it was good that Ed kicked Hugh in the head today.