Feminized Christianity

"My Savior Is Tougher Than Nails" Digby has a great post called "Tough as Nails" that details the antics of a "Warrior for Christ" destroying some artwork that she thought was blasphemous.at the Loveland Museum/Gallery. This yet another

"My Savior Is Tougher Than Nails"

Digby has a great post called "Tough as Nails" that details the antics of a "Warrior for Christ" destroying some artwork that she thought was blasphemous.at the Loveland Museum/Gallery. This yet another manifestation of the extremism that has overtaken our country because of the infusion of Teabirchers into the mainstream of society by Fox News. The far right is quick to point out the radical nature of certain Muslims extremists, but never admits that their own radicals are, well 'Cuckoo for Coco Puffs.'


See, a new vision of Christianity is trying to overtake even their mainstream and instead of love and compassion, it's now blood and guts and tough as nails. Bryan Fisher is leading their cause.

Digby concludes with this note:

Here's Bryan Fischer, Daniel Webster and Jim DeMint's go-to radio guy explaining it all for us. He's speaking of the Fire department allowing the person's house to burn down for lack of a $75.00 payment:

In this case, critics of the fire department are confused both about right and wrong and about Christianity. And it is because they have fallen prey to a weakened, feminized version of Christianity that is only about softer virtues such as compassion and not in any part about the muscular Christian virtues of individual responsibility and accountability...

This story illustrates the fundamental difference between a sappy, secularist worldview, which unfortunately too many Christians have adopted, and the mature, robust Judeo-Christian worldview which made America the strongest and most prosperous nation in the world. The secularist wants to excuse and even reward irresponsibility, which eventually makes everybody less safe and less prosperous. A Christian worldview rewards responsibility and stresses individual responsibility and accountability, which in the end makes everybody more safe and more prosperous.

That's tough as nails all right.

Just let all our houses burn to the ground because it's the Christian thing to do.

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