Fox News' Conservative Thug Steve Crowder Absurdly Challenges MI Protester To Duel In The Octagon

So now another lying right-wing hack in the James O'Keefe/Andrew Brietbart mold has hit the market. Just what we need. A man with no purpose in life but to feed conservatives their daily dose of Librul Hate. It's a very profitable endeavor.

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So now another lying right-wing hack in the James O'Keefe/Andrew Brietbart mold has hit the market. Just what we need. A man with no purpose in life but to feed conservatives their daily dose of Librul Hate. It's a very profitable endeavor.

You've probably seen this schmuck already, but people like the very unfunny Steve Crowder do this type of carnival-barker act with working-class people as his targets just for attention, and now for more Twitter followers. And it's coming out that it appears to be a set-up. Of course there was no mention of police brutality against protesters like Rep. Mark Schauer.

Crowder tells Fox & Friends that he nicely asked very angry protesters why they are protesting since the MI Right to Work bill is teh awesome.

“Didn’t that remind you of all those violent Tea Party protests?” Steve Doocy asked him sarcastically. Crowder replied that it was more reminiscent of the The Dark Knight Rises — even offering up his best Bane impression.

Crowder: I've never seen an angry mob filled with vitriolic hatred..... I want to be clear. I did go in and provoke these people, I tried to provoke rational thought I tried to provoke civil debate....they stop destroying private property..

Notice how he uses the word "provoke"? Guys like Crowder have been with us forever. They rooted for the strikebreakers in the 1920s and '30s, and they delighted in going to civil-rights protests in the South in the '60s and pouring sugar on lunch-counter protesters. They aided and abetted the worst of American politics then, and now, with their provocations.

Gov. Snyder lied to the voters of Michigan when he said he would not get involved in the right-to-work debate because it was too divisive. He passed it in a blink of an eye in a lame-duck session. This is going to have a ripple effect on the lives of these working-class people -- people that guys like Crowder and his pal Sean Hannnity hold in contempt. The absurdity continues when he issued an idiotic ultimate challenge to his would be attacker on F&F and then repeated it to Hannity.

Tony, we know who you are, come forward. I am offering you an ultimatum right now. You come forward, I press charges, you will go to jail. Or — since you like to sucker punch people — I will allow you to face me in the people's octagon, in a legal, sanctioned mixed martial arts bout, where we can settle it man-to-man, one-on-one. And all of the money that's been raised to find you, I will match it if you beat me and give it to a union of your choice. It's your choice: jail or face me like a man. Send your answer on Twitter.

He's issuing a fight challenge in the very manly octagon. See, he could have easily beat the crap out of the guy, but then he realized he would have been killed by Bane if he protected himself. He sees Batman movies when he closes his eyes. Conservatives must flex their muscles in an act of manliness at all times. Can you smell the musk? Maybe it was English leather or Aqua Velva? I wonder how long it took him to come up with that? Yes, send in your responses to twitter!!! The guy is speed talking his way through these interviews by the way.

Breitbart's brand of activism is to go around the country, insert themselves into volatile situation, hoping someone will get pissed and hit them, so they can yell "Union thugs! Union thugs! Look at me, I found some union thugs!!!!" And it's always a joke. Remember Kenneth Gladney?

Gawker says:

Steven, stop whining, take your licks, and accept that getting hit in the face is a hazard of inserting yourself in the middle of an argument between billionaire-funded know-nothing ideologues and people whose livelihoods and stability are being threatened by the insatiable greed of the super-rich and the blind extremism of their wooden-headed political allies. In exchange, liberals will buy you a band-aid for the cut on your forehead and re-iterate that Punching Is Bad. Sound good? Send your answer on Twitter.

I'm completely against violence of any kind, but I'm also smart enough not to jump in the middle of a worker's rights issue only to prove an ideological point to his base that the workers are thugs.

In the end it's Steve Crowder who is the conservative thug by only inflicting more pain on the people of Michigan.

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