Fox News Freakout Over Wal-Mart Strike Continues: 'Why Doesn't Obama Just Appoint (Soros) As The Destroy-America Czar?'

Fox News is going ballistic at the prospect of Wal-Mart workers threatening to strike, so they've been concocting all sorts of phony conspiracy theories. You knew it was just a matter of time until they brought George Soros, the conservative

Fox News is going ballistic at the prospect of Wal-Mart workers threatening to strike, so they've been concocting all sorts of phony conspiracy theories. You knew it was just a matter of time until they brought George Soros, the conservative bogey man, into their insanity, even if he has nothing to do with it. Watch this sophomoric rant by Greg-Ann Gutfeld.

Gutfeld: George Soros wouldn't know a Wal-Mart if he bought one. Let's face it. Is he our self appointed labor secretary? Why doesn't Obama just appoint him as the destroy America czar? He hates this place. Activists hate Walmart because it's the proxy for America that represents success. I would love to protest activists, but it's impossible to find where and what they do in order to protest them.

Wal-Mart is the symbol of the golden age of corporations exploiting their workforce. It's a success for a very select few on the backs of the many. The entire segment was one continuous rant against liberals, unions, MoveOn and anyone they thought of.

Fox News repeatedly promoted a false story claiming philanthropist George Soros directed people to protest at Wal-Mart on Black Friday, but it has not corrected its coverage.

Fox figures claimed that Soros was acting through MoveOn.org to orchestrate protests over labor conditions at Wal-Mart. While MoveOn did send an email urging recipients to support the Black Friday protests, it asked them to sign a petition, not attend the events, and MoveOn says that Soros made only one donation to the organization in 2004. Fox covered the false story Tuesday on America Live, Your World with Neil Cavuto, and The Five, and Fox Nation is still running the headline "Soros Behind Black Friday Strike.

They just lie about anything they want. MoveOn sent out an email asking people to sign a petition.

According to MoveOn, Soros has not contributed to the organization in more than eight years, since he made a donation in 2004 to an election-related initiative that no longer exists.

MoveOn's email encouraging people to sign the petition supporting the protesters contains no mention of Soros. Varney's statement echoes a claim in a Daily Caller article that quotes portions of the MoveOn email. Like Varney, the Daily Caller failed to support its assertion that Soros is involved.

The right-wing media have mounted an endless effort to demonize Soros, a financier who has donated to liberal causes.

UPDATE: The Daily Caller has updated its article by removing all references to Soros. At the bottom of the story, it has added a correction:

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