Fox News Pundit: 'The American Left' Are 'Apologists For Terror'
Fox's Ralph Peters Describes "The American Left" As "Apologists For Terror"
Peters: Now certainly a majority of Muslims are not Al-Qaeda members...40% of the opposition fighters in Syria are Al-Qaeda fanatics or related terrorists and extremists so you go back to the mall attack in Kenya. Nairobi is one of the most livable cities in Africa, it's relatively modern. This really was a tragedy, but what is striking and should finally get the attention of somebody on the American Left, the apologists for terror is that these people cold bloodily went in to a mall...
I didn't go far enough, because Ralph isn't only blaming President Obama for the Kenyan mall attack, but he's blaming everybody to the left of himself for all terrorist deaths. Only on Fox News is this acceptable language coming from one of their supposed experts.
Update: I almost forgot about Bream.
Fox's Shannon Bream claimed that the Obama administration has remained silent on violence against Christians in the Middle East and Africa, ignoring that the White House has condemned violence targeting Christians in the region.
On September 21, armed terrorists shot and killed at least 62 people and wounded more than 150 in a terrorist attack on the Westgate Shopping Mall in Nairobi, Kenya. The Associated Press reported that only non-Muslims were targeted by the Islamic extremist group al-Shabab in the attack. On the September 23 edition of Fox News' America Live, host Shannon Bream claimed that "despite an increase in these kinds of attacks in Kenya and Pakistan, we still have not heard anything specific from the White House about whether the treatment of Christians in this part of the world has to change"
Contrary to Bream's claims, the White House has denounced violence against Coptic Christians in Egypt. During an August 21 press briefing, Principal Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest stated that the Obama administration has condemned "in unambiguous terms all the violence" in Egypt, including attacks on Christian churches.
The White House also condemned the September 21 terrorist attack at Westgate Shopping Mall in Nairobi, Kenya in press briefing that day, labeling it a "despicable terrorist attack on innocent civilians."