Fox News Uses The Death Of Hadiya Pendleton, 15, To Attack Gun Control

Wednesday was a day of shame for Fox News and Megyn Kelly because they found an even darker shade of Goebbel-esque propaganda to paint their airwaves. Yesterday was also a day of gun control hearings which featured talk of background checks,

they managed to offset the lunatic ramblings of Wayne LaPierre.

"Too many children are dying," she said. "We must do something."

Giffords, who survived a gunshot to the head two years ago during an assassination attempt that left six people dead, read slowly but forcefully from prepared remarks, and acknowledged that "speaking is difficult."

"But I need to say something important. Violence is a big problem," she said. "It will be hard. But the time is now. You must act. Be bold. Be courageous. Americans are counting on you."

That didn't stop Wayne from utterly embarrassing himself. And it also set the stage for another embarrassment; this time from FOX who used another tragic shooting to promote their pro-gun agenda:

Kelly: Well, a big hearing today in Washington DC as witnesses both for and against testified about firearms the second amendment and ways to keep our children safe.

But as we watched this debate about assault weapons and high capacity magazines, we are hearing a growing number of people suggesting that adding a ban on those will not address America's gun violence. That point illustrated in part today in a heartbreaking story out of Chicago. A fifteen-year-old honor student was shot and killed near her school. Just last week this woman had taken part in events surrounding president Obama's inauguration in DC and now she is dead, thanks to a senseless act. Trace Gallagher has the story.

Megyn Kelly and Fox News are trying to make the case against putting in actual regulations on an out-of-control gun culture in this country by using the tragic death of Hadiya Pendleton, the girl who had just attended President Obama's second inauguration, to make a point. They argue that, since she got killed by a handgun in Chicago, which has very strict gun laws, a ban on high-capacity mags and Bushmasters would be useless. I mean, this is sick.

Trace Gallagher then made the point that gun violence in Chicago happens mostly with handguns, making the point in his mind that assault weapons aren't the real problem. I would say to Trace, can you imagine what would have happened in Chicago if criminals used AR-15s instead of handguns? Wouldn't the death and injury totals in Colorado and Newtown have been much lower if the shooters didn't use assault weapons?

Trace, why are you shilling for military grade weapons that are made for mass murder and are actually being used the way they were intended to be used -- on helpless Americans? Banning assault weapons and high capacity magazines are but two steps to help insure against future mass killings, but Congress can certainly put more protections in place to help curb all types of gun violence in America.

Megyn, how dare you feign sympathy for a fifteen-year-old girl who was needlessly shot and killed, and then use her death (due to our gun culture) to promote Wayne LaPierre's point of view? And you didn't even say what you would like to do to help curb the gun violence in this country. Blaming video games is as lame as it gets because outside of the ridiculousness of it, there is no evidence whatsoever to back up that argument.

And LaPierre made a complete fool of himself at the hearings.

Update: Kelly brought in Brit Hume for follow up to the segment to carry more water for the gun manufacturers and complain that passing any new gun control legislation would be a waste of time.

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