Friday Night Lights: Awesome
You guys know I'm a big Buffy fan, love The Closer, The Wire and Battlestar Gallactica just to name a few. I was trying to find something new to watch
You guys know I'm a big Buffy fan, love The Closer, The Wire and Battlestar Gallactica just to name a few. I was trying to find something new to watch and accidentally discovered a new one. Friday Night Lights is the kind of show that doesn't get a lot of attention, but it simply rocks. If you are looking for a new show to check out---this is the one. It's not just about a HS football team in Texas and whether they'll win the state championship.
It touches on a lot of emotional levels dealing with friends, family, love, loss and relationships. Sure, some aspects are a bit predictable, but after I power cycled season 1, I was really shocked at how good it was and couldn't wait to check out season 2.
I was also surprised at how easy it was to catch episodes via Netflix on my laptop without paying any additional fees.
What shows do you watch that seem to be a little of the grid?