Glenn Beck And James Dobson Cry Out About The Destruction Of GOD
[media id=7179] [H/t Dave N.] Beware America, progressives want to end prayer -- which means to these maniacs the elimination of GOD. That's the wack
Beware America, progressives want to end prayer -- which means to these maniacs the elimination of GOD. That's the wackiness coming from Glenn Beck last week while I was in DC.
He doesn't have John Gibson's hairdo, but he does keep the insane right-wing nonsense alive and well that FOX craves. He easily slips into the 2/5PM time slot quite nicely for FOX as Gibby's replacement. As all C&L readers know, I'm not hostile to religion, I was brought up a Catholic, but extremists like Dobson do a disservice to the moderates that practice religion at their own pace. Now back to the video.
The first order of business was for Beck and Dobson to lovingly embrace each other like long lost lovers for the FOX followers because in late December Dobson was forced to take down a Beck article off his website because Glenn is part of the Mormon Cult. Pam has the story.
Good times, good times. To dispel the so-called rumors of a rift between the two, Beck says he got a Christmas card from Dobson and oh, how they are so much in love.
Dobson: Boy Glenn, I have no idea where that came from. It's just goofy.
It came from his Christian followers. Ahhh, all is forgiven...Now to the meat of the segment. It's about a "moment of silence" law passed in Ill. back in '07 that was rejected by America's governor, (Blagojevich) but was still passed through his veto. Just another coded attempt at injecting religion into the public school system. A lawsuit was then filed:
A 14-year-old girl and her outspoken atheist father filed a federal lawsuit Friday challenging a new Illinois law requiring a brief period of prayer or reflective silence at the start of every school day. The lawsuit asks the court to declare the law unconstitutional, said attorney Gregory Kulis,
--A federal judge has ruled that a state law requiring a moment of silence in public schools across Illinois is unconstitutional, saying it crosses the line separating church and state.
"The statute is a subtle effort to force students at impressionable ages to contemplate religion," U.S. District Judge Robert W. Gettleman said in his ruling Wednesday.
Now you have a little context to work with since Beck wouldn't ever fill you in with all the details. You know, it's just the usual conservative whineathon session that embodies the extreme right when they appear on camera.
Beck extrapolates from this ruling that if GOD doesn't exist and GOD gives us our rights, then who gives you your rights? The States, maybe? I thought it came from our constitution, but that's just me. Anyway, WTF where they talking about in this video? (watch the video. I can't write that up) This ruling has nothing to do with our rights or the elimination of GOD. It's about keeping the separation of church and state intact.
So after a nonsensical discussion about our rights, Beck talks about Dobson's 20 year old interview with serial killer Ted Bundy. Dobson starts out by saying that Bundy wanted to comment on pornography just before his execution because Dobson had been part of putting together a massive report on it so he invited him for an interview. So I was waiting for the punchline of Bundy blaming porn for his treachery, but no ... he just admitted to being addicted to it and then predicted that more violence would occur if violent porn still continued... Oh, words of wisdom from a psycho killer that Dobson clings on to like a badge of honor. Only a man like Dobson would use a serial killer, prone to lie about everything to make his point.
Dobson also has a fascination with David Berkowitz, the 44 Killer. FOF did a three part interview with him.
I found this old post I wrote called "Things They Share:
Bill Frist disclosed that he went to animal shelters and pretended to adopt the cats, telling shelter personnel he intended to keep them as pets. Instead he used them to sharpen his surgical skills, killing them in the process.
James Dobson: When I returned I held up the belt and again told my angry dog to get into his bed. He stood his ground, so I gave him a firm swat across the rear end and he tried to bite the belt. The tiny dog and I had the most vicious fight ever staged between man and beast. ... I eventually got him to bed, but only because I outweighed him 200 to 12.
Albert DeSalvo (the Boston Strangler): In his youth he trapped dogs and cats in orange crates and shot arrows through the boxes.
Jeffrey Dahmer staked cats to trees and decapitated dogs.
Henry Lee Lucas As a child, he killed every cat on his parent's farm.
David Berkowitz killed his neighbour's Labrador retriever.