Gov. Tim Pawlenty Says He'll Abide By The Minnesota Supreme Court's Decision And Sign The Certificate

A lot of speculation has been going on in the blogosphere about the commitment Pawlenty has in listening to the Minnesota Supreme Court since he annou

about the commitment Pawlenty has in listening to the Minnesota Supreme Court since he announced that he wouldn't seek a third term in office. Many feel he'll just ignore the ruling of the court and let it drag on for years to placate the right wing base. Andrea Mitchell just about finished up an interview with Gov. Tim Pawlenty when she asked him if he would be signing the certificate which would in all likelihood make Al Franken the next Senator after the Minn. Supreme Court ruling is handed down. He said he would abide by the court's decision and take swift action and sign the certificate.

Mitchell: I know you've said you'll abide by the Supreme Court decision on the Franken Coleman race, do you expect that that will by all accounts lead to Al Franken being the next Senator from Minnesota? Isn't it time to get this resolved?

Pawlenty: Yea, we're anxious to get it resolved but I can't sign the certificate until the State court process is complete, we don't know who the winner is, but as soon as that process is complete and they give direction as to signing the certificate, I'm going to sign it, there's not going to be any undue delay or tactics like that so we'll follow the direction of the court.

We can only hope he's telling the truth and will sign the certificate even if Coleman takes it Federal. The Supreme court will be handing down their decision very soon.

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