Greta Van Susteren Asks Why Democrats Removed "God" From Party Platform

How good was Michelle Obama's speech? All you need to know is as soon as Michelle delivered a wonderful speech Tuesday night, Greta's first question out of the gate to Xavier wasn't about how she performed. No way. It was why had the Dems removed

new party platform here if you haven't read it yet.

Megyn Kelly began the Fox News pundit round up by speaking in a very depressed and monotone voice, saying how wonderful Michelle was. The other three stooges -- Brit Hume, Chris Wallace, and Charles Krauthammer -- downplayed Michele's speech and pivoted to projecting a pro-government/reliance slant to her words, leaving only Kristen Powers, who brings her pro-life Democratic views as the lone wolf on this panel representing the left.

(h/t to Heather from our Video Cafe section)

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